AM: "A Place Where Elephants Swim" - Psalm 119:17-24   

Sunday | July 21st, 2024

This morning, the children, ages 4 to 3rd grade will NOT begin in the morning service but will begin their children's service time in the Community Room.
Pastoral Staff...
We want to welcome Eugene Harmon to the pastor staff team at ORBC.  Last week the church voted unanimously in a business meeting to bring Eugene on as the Outreach Pastor.  We are excited to have Eugene & Debbie in this role.
Ladies Fellowship
A Ladies Fellowship will take place this Saturday, July 27th from 2-4 PM in the Community Room.  Sign up at the Welcome Desk.  Se Shari Austin for information. 
Promotion Sunday
Promotion Sunday for the children's Sunday School classes through teens will take place on August 4th. 
Ladies, join us this evening from 4:30 to 5:30 PM in the community Room for a wedding shower for Natalie Teeter.  Natalie is registered on
The next step class, which meets during the Sunday school hour, is a 2-week presentation that highlights ORBC's vision, ministry philosophy, and doctrine.  Please see Pastor Bobby if you would like to be part of this class.  

CHurch Choir Practice

Interested in singing in the church choir? Join us for practice which begins August 27th at 4:45 PM.  See Ron Hess for further information.

Jeremy and Misha Frazor

-USA Evangelism
The Frazors have traveled to Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Montana and into Alberta Canada during their 2023-2024 season, ministering in teen youth rallies, nursing homes, and adults and kids meetings. At the close of their season, they had an end-of-the-year recital for their kids where each played multiple pieces in front of some friends in Canada and live on Facebook. Their son Corey graduated from high school and will be greatly missed as he heads to Bob Jones University in the fall. He has been a big help with singing and playing instruments for the team, as well as speaking nightly for kid’s programs. The family is serving at Northland Christian Camp for the summer. They ask prayer for wisdom and guidance as their vehicles have required many repairs recently.

NEW Every Week!!!

"Evolutionary Scientists Find a Surprise!"

Ministry Schedules

Sermon Notes...

One feature that is available through our church app is the ability to take sermon notes and create an electronic copy for your records.  Each week a new section of notes is posted for your use.

Looking for A Small Group?

Consider These Opportunities:


Men on a Mission at the church.  See  John Mitchell

Thursday Evenings @ 7 PM

-Life Group Study - Young Adults Bible/Book Study - See Pastor Joe

Fridays@10 & 11AM

- 10 AM - Ladies Bible Study - Fridays, 10AM - See Libby Woodworth
- 11 AM - Ladies Prayer Meeting - See Libby Woodworth

Monthly, Second Tuesday

Moms Mentoring Moms.  See Joy Tyler

Monthly, Second Saturday @ 10:30 AM

Men's Keystone Scripture Memory Meeting - See Roland Reagan or Kirby Logan

upcoming events:

August 4th - Relationship Sunday


August 11th - Missionary Kornel and Tanja Crnkovic and TEAM & Promotion Sunday


September 22nd - Missionary David Booth - Portugal


October 19th - Fall Festival


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