Sunday | July 18th, 2021

"Our Warrior King"

Joshua 10

*Childrens Church
As a part of our service today, Children's Church for children age 4 through 3rd grade will begin at 11AM in the Community Room.

Kornel and Tanja Crnkovic

-Koprivnica, Croatia
Children: Andrea, Marko and Natanael

In Croatia, the year 2021 started with pain, suffering, lockdowns, depression and death. Besides covid-19 they were having earthquakes. The Baptist churches in the area most affected by the earthquakes were able to be a witness and a help to those in need. A 19-yr-old man named David started coming to church last summer and began a Bible study with Kornel in the fall. This spring he shared with the church that God had saved him and that he desired to follow the Lord in baptism. Pray for several other young people in the church who have made professions but have not indicated interest in baptism. On April 9, their daughter Kristina married Jura, the son of coworkers with whom they organize summer youth camps. Pray that the Lord will use this young couple in the ministry as He sees fit. Kristina is a sophomore in college.

Ministry Schedules

New Wednesday  night Study

Our new 8-week study on Wednesday nights has begun.  Join us for our study, The Gospel In Hard Times with Pastor Bobby.  This Study comes from Joni & Friends which is designed to help the church understand disability and the sufficiency of God's grace. 

Academy Of Arts

The Academy Of Arts will be with us for our morning service on July 25th for a special presentation, "Behold He Cometh".

Next Step Class 

The Next Step Class is available for people considering membership.  Please see Pastor Bobby to be a part of this class.  The next session begins in August.

"Colombia United"

Are you interested in taking a missions trip to Bogota, Colombia to help our missionaries, Daniel and Jennifer Mee? If so, please see Bobby Sass for more information or click below

Topical Sunday School Classes

Beginning April 25th, we will present a new way of meeting for Sunday School.  For the next 13 weeks the adult Sunday School classes will meet based upon the selected topic chosen.  Several classes will have limited seating, so please sign up through the link below.  These are the classes being offered.

"Red Sea Rules"

Located in the Auditorium with Bruce Woodworth and David Hurst

"Philosophy and Worldview" (Class is Now Full)

Located in the Community Room with Stephen Stockton

"Joy For The Journey"

A study of the book of Philippians located in the Home Builder's Classroom with Ken Herwig


Located in the Life Builder's Classroom/Cry Room with Pastor Bobby McCoy

Looking for A Small Group?

Consider These Opportunities:


Men on a Mission at the church.  See Roger Johnson or John Mitchell

Thursday Evenings

Singles and Young Married Couples Bible Study.  See Jacob Layne


Ladies Prayer Meeting at the church.  See Libby Woodworth

Monthly, Second Thursday

Moms Mentoring Moms.  See Joy Tyler

"Freedom That Lasts"

Addiction Recovery Program.  Experience Freedom that truly lasts. 
Led by Howard Teeter
Please invite folks you may know who might be interested in attending this discipleship ministry on Fridays at 7PM.  Located in the community room.
If you would like to assist with a $20 scholarship for individuals going through the program, see Howard Teeter or Pastor Bobby

"Church Work Volunteers"

Thank you for your help on the last church work day.  The April 10th work day was cancelled due to weather and we will not be having another "church work day" this spring or summer.  We do, however, have more indoor and outdoor projects. If you are are willing to take on a project separately or with a group, see Pastor Joe or you click below for additional info!

July 25th SS

Normal Sunday school Classes Resume

June 25th AM

Academy of Arts presents: "Behold He Cometh"

July  25th PM

5pm at Melton Lake Park

July  25th PM

5pm at Melton Lake Park