-Koprivnica, Croatia
Children: Andrea, Marko and Natanael
In Croatia, the year 2021 started with pain, suffering, lockdowns, depression and death. Besides covid-19 they were having earthquakes. The Baptist churches in the area most affected by the earthquakes were able to be a witness and a help to those in need. A 19-yr-old man named David started coming to church last summer and began a Bible study with Kornel in the fall. This spring he shared with the church that God had saved him and that he desired to follow the Lord in baptism. Pray for several other young people in the church who have made professions but have not indicated interest in baptism. On April 9, their daughter Kristina married Jura, the son of coworkers with whom they organize summer youth camps. Pray that the Lord will use this young couple in the ministry as He sees fit. Kristina is a sophomore in college.