Sunday | May 9, 2021

"A Mother's Prayer"

I Samuel 2:1-10

*Childrens Church
As a part of our Service today, Children's Church for children age 4 through 3rd grade will begin at 11AM in the community Room.

Jim and Hope Smith 

-Pretoria, South Africa
Children: Camden and Taylor

Their plan was to spend Christmas with family and return to Africa on January 16.  But God had a better one. Hope tested positive for covid 2 days before their booked return; Jim did so the next week. Then they were blocked from returning by covid variants, travel bans and lockdowns. But the good news is that Jim was able to participate in their son’s doctrinal examination and preach his ordination message in January. They were also able to welcome, in person, their first grandchild. Though physically separated, they have been able to continue ministry remotely and have been able to give countless hours to counsel others. Pray for God’s continued working and for the country of South Africa which they love. They need wisdom and clarity regarding timing, patience as they wait, and the soul care they need more of before returning.

June 14th-18th
Register NOw!!!

Ministry Schedules

40th Anniversary Love Offering

We praise God for over $6,000 collected as a love offering for our Evangelist Aaron Coffey and his family.  If you did not get a chance to contribute, you ca still do so util Sunday, May 2nd.  Write "Coffey" on our offering envelopes or in the "memo" section in the online giving process.

Topical Sunday School Classes

Beginning April 25th, we will present a new way of meeting for Sunday School.  For the next 13 weeks the adult Sunday School classes will meet based upon the selected topic chosen.  Several classes will have limited seating, so please sign up through the link below.  These are the classes being offered.

"Red Sea Rules"

Located in the Auditorium with Bruce Woodworth and David Hurst

"Philosophy and Worldview" (Class is Now Full)

Located in the Community Room with Stephen Stockton

"Joy For The Journey"

A Study of the book of Philippians located in the Home Builder's Classroom with Ken Herwig


Located in the Life Builder's Classroom/Cry Room with Pastor Bobby McCoy

"Church Work Day"

Thank you for your help last week as a part of our work day.  The April 10th was cancelled due to weather, however we will be rescheduling the day shortly.  We have many more indoor and outdoor projects. Please stay tuned.  If you are are willing to take on a project separately, see Pastor Joe.   Please sign up below!

Secret Sister Prayer Ministry

ORBC ladies ages 18 and older are invited to participate in our Secret Sister prayer ministry.  Visit the Welcome Desk and fill out a form to participate.


The Oak Boutique takes place May 15th from 9AM - Noon.  It will feature brand new clothing and jewelry, homemade crafts and goodies, as well as car washing and detailing.  All proceeds go to the Teen Salt Lake City Mission Trip in June.  See Pastor Jeremy for more information.

Looking for A Small Group?

Consider These Opportunities:


Men on a Mission at the church.  See Roger Johnson or John Mitchell

Thursday Evenings

Singles and Young Married Couples Bible Study.  See Jacob Layne


Ladies Prayer Meeting at the church.  See Libby Woodworth

Monthly, Second Thursday

Moms Mentoring Moms.  See Joy Tyler

Choices Fund-Raiser

To have a part in the Choices Resources Center fund-raising effort, please stop by the Welcome Desk, pick up a baby bottle, fill it with loose change and return it it to the church.

*May 8th - Choices Walk for life

"Freedom That Lasts"

Addiction Recovery Program.
Lead by Howard Teeter
Training for our Freedom that Lasts Discipleship Ministry has begun.  It is not too late to be a part.  
Launch date is April 30th.

This Summer...

Our juniors and teens will be going to The Wilds Christian Camp this summer July 12th-17th. Register your child online.
See Pastor Jeremy or Pastor Joe for more information.

Upcoming Events

May 8th

Choices Resource Center "Walk For Life"

June 10th

Xulon Fundraiser Banquet

June 14th

Vacation Bible School here at Oak Ridge Baptist Church - Mystery Island

June 28th - July 4th

Teen Salt Lake City Missions Trip - Plant Camp

July 12th-16th

Junior Boot Camp and Teen Camp at the Wilds.