Sunday | April 4, 2021

"Lovest thou me more than these?"

JOhn 21:15-25

Thank you or joining us or our special Resurrection Service.  We will be commemorating the Lord's Supper this morning as a part of the service.  There will be no Sunday School or evening service today.

*Childrens Church
As a part of our special Service today, Children's Church for children age 5 through 3rd grade will begin at 11AM in the community Room.

John and Beth Kopp

Children: Karis, Andrew, and Caleb
Salt Lake City, Utah - Church Planting

The Kopps continue to minister at Gospel Grace Church, the University of Utah campus and Hill Air Force Base. They report several blessings recently. Their neighbor, a 30-yr-old man named George, trusted Christ and was baptized, after several years of prayer and relationship-building being invested in him. Another man from their community group also professed faith. As well, their two sons both seem to have professed faith and are desiring Christ. The leadership team of their next church plant, Gospel Peace Church, is preparing to be sent out this spring. Jon has the privilege of training and equipping them to be sent out.

"Church Work Day"

Thank you for your help yesterday as a part of our work day.  April 10th will be our final work day.  We have many more indoor and outdoor projects. If you are unavailable that day, but are willing to take on a project, see Pastor Joe. We will begin at 9AM in the Auditorium for a short general meeting.  Please sign up below!

Ministry Schedules

40th Anniversary

On April 18th we will celebrate 40 years of Oak Ride Baptist Church with a special service.   We will have a special service with our founding Pastor, Dr Marty Marriott.  We will also have special gifts for our church family on this day and a church wide BBQ on the grounds at 4pm.  We will also collect a love offering for a very special project which will be announced soon.

Wedding Shower for Kat Green

Ladies, you are invited to a wedding shower for Kat Green on Saturday, April 10th at 10:30 AM.  Kat and Reece Johnson are getting married on April 24th at another church.  They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Amazon.

Wedding Gift for
Adrian and Abby

Adrian Warren and Abby Lane will be getting married on Saturday, April 17th.  Instead of a wedding shower, we are going to show our love for them by collecting money for a washer and dryer.  If you desire to participate, leave your gift at the table designated for them in the lobby.

Choices Fund-Raiser

To have a part in the Choices Resources Center fund-raising effort, please stop by the Welcome Desk, pick up a baby bottle, fill it with loose change and return it it to the church.

*May 8th - Choices Walk for life

"Freedom That Lasts"

Addiction Recovery Program.
Lead by Howard Teeter
Training for our Freedom that Lasts Discipleship Ministry has begun.  It is not too late to be a part.  The next training session will be March 27th at 9 AM in the church Fellowship Hall.  Plan to come to this meeting if you want to learn more about serving in this ministry.

This Summer...

Our juniors and teens will be going to The Wilds Christian Camp this summer July 12th-17th. Register your child online by March 1st to receive the Early-Bird discount. See Pastor Jeremy or Pastor Joe for more information.

Upcoming Events

April 4th

Special Resurrection Sunday Service. No Sunday School or evening service.

April 10th

Wedding Shower For Kat Green

April 11th

Mark Cofey, Missionary to South Africa, at ORBC

May 8th

Choices Resource Center Walk For Life

June 14th

Vacation Bible School here at Oak Ridge Baptist Church - Mystery Island

June 28th - July 4th

Teen Salt Lake City Missions Trip - Plant Camp

July 12th-16th

Junior Boot Camp and Teen Camp at the Wilds.